Cooper crush - diy

Well, following an almost "copper obsesion" I started spray painting some old pieces I bought from a flea market a while ago.
I also used chalkboard paint for contrast and fun messages.

It's really simple. Spray paint the desired surface and be sure you add a second or even a third coat so that the surface is well coverd.

I find this combination to be so sofisticated and chic and with the right message it perfect for Christmas too, right?
Have fun and get creative.

{ M A R V E L O U S }

Colier de poveste, primul realziat cu gandul la sarbatorile de iarna.
Combinatie de printuri si margele. O piesa speciala, feminina si versatila.

Pret 65 lei

{ F E S T I V E }

Un colier de sarbatoare!
Realziat manual din sfoara crem si verde.
Margele de sticla si accesorii aurii.

Pret 55 lei

{ D I F F E R E N T is good }

Colier realizat manual din sfoara matasoasa si margele de stricla.
Culori indraznete si accesorii frumoase
Pentru tine sau pentru cineva drag.

Pret 59 lei

Christmas Giveaway!

Acest colier e cadoul meu de Craciun pentru voi, pentru a va multumi ca apreciati si purtati Blushing Goodies

Regulile sunt simple:
1. Like Blushing Goodies
2. Like & share acesta poza
3. Lasati un comentariu cu adresa voastra de email si numele de facebook precum si orice alt gand sau sugestie.

Castigatoarea va fi desemnata cu, marti 17 decembrie, astfel incat colierul sa ajunga la destinatar pana de Craciun.

Best of luck!

How to wear a red necklace, or better yet, a Blushing Goodies red necklace

I forgot how much fun Polyvore is...
So I came up with this combination that is a classic I guess but so feminine and hot. 
The necklace is availbale here.

DIY Gold Stripes Vase

 I went thrifting today and bought this glass beautiful shape vase with the sole purpose of embelish it with some gold stripes.

And this is precisly what I've done, in let's say half an hour or so.
So let’s jump right into the instructions:

Step 1: You can do this project on any type of glass including a vase or a candle holder.  You will need to clean the glass first with rubbing alcohol and then dry it off. This helps the paint stick better. 

Step 2: You will need to tape off whatever stripe design that you would like.
Paint!! I spray paint it but you can use any glass paint you wish.

And that's it! Easy right?

{ R E C Y C L E }

I just loved the shape of the water plastic bottles I had at home, and after thinking and rethinking what should I make from them, I've come up with this cute flower stand.
So easy to make. Cut the top of the bottle and dress the stand with your favorite fabric or wrapping paper. Embelish it with a piece of lace or stamp it or do whatever cross your mind.

{ E L E G A N T }

Am pus impreuna margele si perle si bucati de sidef pentru a crea un colier elegant si feminin, potrivit atat pentru zi cat si pentru seara.
Materiale: margele, perle. sidef, accesorii aurii
Pret 50 lei

{ C A N D Y }

Margele colorate din sticla insiruite una cate una.
O bratara vesela si feminina purtata singura sau in compania altor goodies
Pret 25 lei

{ R E D }

Colier realizat manual
Margele de sticla rosii si lant auriu
Feminin & extrem de potrivit for making a statement
Pret 55 lei

{ fooling around is useful sometimes }

 * Coming from someone with awful (read unexisting) drawing skills, I guess the necklace turned out pretty nice.
* Right?



Random shot in a random day.
Crazy about classic cuts & combinations & classic Levis jeans!

{ T A N G L E D }

Colier realizat manual
Sfoara elastica inodata, margele de sticla si lant auriu.
Un amestec de culori si texturi pentru un colier delicat si feminin.

Pret 40 lei

Special order

Custom made necklace and bracelet

Frame your memories

Simple way to keep memories close.
I came home from the beautiful Provence with a lavender bouquet, still holding the fragrance and the amazing feeling of being on those stunning lavander fields.

So I came up with this idea of framing some lavender flowers from my bouquet in this teeny tiny pink-ish frame so that I could keep Provence as close as possible.


{ D E L I C A C Y }

Colier realizat manual din sfoara matasoara crem
Accesorii de culoarea argintie
Lungime usor ajustabila 

Pret 30 lei

{ F U N K Y }

Colier realizat manual
Sfoara neagra matasoasa, margele de nisip negre cusute manual si margele albastre mate
Accesorii aurii
Lungime usor ajustabila. Se poarta la baza gatului 

Pret 40 lei

{ P I N K ish | goodie }

Colier impletit din sfoara masatoasa si neagra
Margele de nisip de culoare roz mat, cusute manual.
Simplu si minimalist iese in evidenta prin volumerie si textura 

Pret 49 lei

{ B L A C K | goodie }

 Colier impletit din sfoara masatoasa si neagra
Margelenegre cusute manual.
Simplu si minimalist iese in evidenta prin volumerie si textura

Pret 49 lei